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  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
  • Reference Style: APA
  • Recommended for : Student Researchers
  • NGN 5000


This study assessed the implementation of Nigeria Certificate in Education Hausa language curriculum in northwest geopolitical zone of Nigeria, to determine: the extent of content coverage of NCE Hausa language curriculum, determine the methods utilized by the Hausa language lecturers in the implementation of NCE Hausa language curriculum; determine the availability of instructional materials needed for implementation of Hausa language; assess the adequacy of instructional materials used for teaching NCE Hausa language in Colleges of Education; determine the utilization of instructional materials in implementation of NCE Hausa language in Colleges of Education. Seven research questions and seven hypotheses were raised based on the seven objectives of the study. Population of the study included all teachers and students offering NCE Hausa language in Colleges of Education in Northwest geopolitical zone of Nigeria numbering 196 (one hundred and ninety six) lecturers, and 10,149 (ten thousand one hundred and forty nine) students. Multi-stage sampling techniques were used to select the sample. Stratified random sampling technique was used to sample (6) six out of the 10 (ten) Colleges of Education in northwest geopolitical zone and proportionate stratified sampling was used to draw 360 students (across levels) and 108 Teachers from both Federal and State Colleges of Education respectively. Ex-post facto research design was employed in the study. Structured questionnaire and observation schedule were used to collect data from the respondents. Reliability of the instruments was tested using Cronbach reliability coefficient and the reliability coefficients alpha level of 0.927 and 0.795 were obtained for the staff and students questionnaire respectively. One hundred and eight lecturers and three hundred and fifty eight students‘ respondents filled and returned the questionnaire. The data were analyzed using statistical computation involving frequencies, percentages, chi-square and Mann Whitney test. Chi square statistics were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The findings revealed that, the contents of the NCE Hausa language curriculum were not fully covered in the Colleges of Education in Nigeria; the teaching methods mostly used for the delivery of Hausa language curriculum in Colleges of Education in Nigeria were lecture and project methods. Other methods used at a smaller scale were discussion, demonstration, laboratory, excursion and group work.Instructional materials commonly available in Colleges of Education for the teaching of Hausa language included qualified lecturers, textbooks, auditorium, and lecture theatres/classes. Those not commonly available included language laboratories, projectors, cultural villages, and cultural rooms; the available resource/instructional materials in Colleges of Education were not adequately available for the implementation of Nigeria Certificate in Education Hausa language curriculum. The utilization of many resources/instructional materials such as language laboratories, cultural rooms and villages, videos, tape recorders, projectors, film slide/strips for the implementation of Nigeria Certificate Education Hausa language curriculum in Colleges of Education in Nigeria was low. Based on the findings, it was recommended that; Government should make NCE Hausa language lecturers sufficient in Colleges of Education in Nigeria, Lecturers should use differentiated instructional strategies to address students‘ learning needs, NCE Hausa programme should be subjected to accreditation and reaccreditation, courses should be based on the availability and adequacy of instructional materials andcurriculum developers therefore, should plan practical strategies for improving the present Hausa language curriculum. In conclusion, it is unarguably clear from the findings of this study that non availability and non-utilization of instructional materials hinder effective NCE Hausa language curriculum implementation,

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